About Us

Readiness - Exploration - Awareness - Skills - Confidence

Specialising in building understanding in literacy development in the early years

At Building Literacy, we are passionate about providing all children with the confidence, skills and strategies to achieve success in all areas particularly with regard to literacy development during the early years.

The early years known from birth to 8 is the most important time for a child’s development, socially, cognitively, physically and emotionally.  It is during this time that young children build a strong foundation in literacy and it will determine so much of their ability for learning in all other areas for the school curriculum and underpin their ability to contribute to society.

By building on educators’ pedagogical understandings of the complexities of ‘the reading process’ and the intricacies of the English language will create the opportunity to work confidently when working with young children.

At  Building Literacy, we Build Understanding In Literacy Development (BUILD).

The aim of our workshops are:

  • To build on educators’ capacity in literacy
  • To understand the importance of oral language and the direct link it has in developing literacy readiness
  • To create intentional teaching moments to develop literacy awareness in young children
  • To promote language and literacy development through play and exploration experiences by effective questioning and prompting techniques
  • To provide powerful learning opportunities to enhance the design of the curriculum.

Our Programs

Specialising in building understanding in literacy development in the early years. 

Contact us ->

Contact Building Literacy today to learn more on 03 9379 3893

Specialising in building literacy skills and confidence through play, exploration and engagement.